November 6 - February 11, 2015
The IMC Lab + Gallery
56 W. 22nd St. 6th Fl. New York, NY 10010
The IMC Lab + Gallery is pleased to present “Ebb & Flow”, a solo exhibition by Daniel Baker. This exhibition is the result of Baker’s nine month participation in IMC’s Co-Create residency program, which pairs artists with technologists to enable the creation of new participatory and socially conscious art forms. This is Baker’s first solo exhibition.
During his residency at IMC Lab + Gallery, Baker has collaborated with IMC founder, James Tunick, to create a kinetic, data-driven network of motors and pulleys, within immersive audio visual environments, to create visualizations driven by the orbit of the moon and the ebb and flow of the tide, as well as the sounds and movements of kinetic sculptures and audience members within the gallery space. Data, collected from weather buoys around the globe, stream in real-time to a system of physical computing electronics to raise and lower “floating” pieces of sea trash collected from various lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans. The sea trash has been cast in resin, to preserve its current physical state and give it a rigid, durable plastic structure. Each sea trash sculpture corresponds to a specific weather buoy, in cities such as New York City, Anchorage, Honolulu, New Orleans and Seattle. The tide height in each location determines the height of the sea trash. As the moon orbits the earth, the tides shift, causing the sea trash to move up and down.
The sea trash sculptures in “Ebb & Flow” were scavenged from various bodies of water in the New York area: Newtown Creek (which flows under the Pulaski bridge, south into Bushwick), the East River, as well as Lake Beebe, Vermont.